escale.log package

This package provides helpers and default configuration on top of the logging standard library.

Logs are concealed in a file which name can be defined in the configuration file. By default, the log file is named after the configuration file, with a .log extension.

Logs with priority INFO or higher are also dumped to the standard output.

exception escale.log.ListenerAbort

Bases: exceptions.Exception

escale.log.log module

class escale.log.log.Listener

Bases: object

exception escale.log.log.ListenerAbort

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class escale.log.log.QueueListener(queue)

Bases: escale.log.log.Listener

escale.log.log.flush_init_messages(logger, msgs)
escale.log.log.set_logger(config, cfg_file=None, verbosity=0, msgs=[])

escale.log.socket module

Borrowed from logging-cookbook.html#network-logging.

class escale.log.socket.LogRecordStreamHandler(request, client_address, server)

Bases: SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler

Handler for a streaming logging request.

This basically logs the record using whatever logging policy is configured locally.


Handle multiple requests - each expected to be a 4-byte length, followed by the LogRecord in pickle format. Logs the record according to whatever policy is configured locally.

class escale.log.socket.SocketListener(host='localhost', port=9020, handler=<class escale.log.socket.LogRecordStreamHandler>)

Bases: escale.log.log.Listener, SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer

Simple TCP socket-based logging receiver suitable for testing.

allow_reuse_address = 1